Erasmus ZŠ Dolany


Projects 2018 - 2020 / International Exchange


From 27 November to 2 December, the first international partner meeting took place within our project “Our common past and contemporary European values” in the Czech Republic. We welcomed our partners in Prague and travelled with them to Dolany to make the travelling comfortable and pleasant. At the same time, during this trip, the pupils were able to get acquainted personally. The pupils already communicated through the Internet before this meeting. The first day of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of the work that each school has done from September to November. At the beginning of the day, guests and their pupils were welcomed in the gym of the school in an oficial way. Even the Mayor of Dolany – Ing. R. Pečinka was present too. Subsequently, there were presentations about individual schools, regions and countries in the classroom. The pupils were also working on designing logos into the project and we also communicated together on the e-twinning site of our project. During the afternoon meeting of the coordinators, the project logo was selected. In the afternoon there was also an excursion around the village to see monuments and attractions of Dolany. On the second day an excursion to the nearest historical town – Olomouc was prepared. Participating pupils and teachers could learn some interesting things about the historical sights and attractions of this city. The outputs and material from this excursion will be used to create a tourist guide. The third day was focused on the traditions and customs of our region. As a result, foreign partners saw the performance of our pupils in local costumes and also they had the opportunity to try them out. They also tried to sing some of our Moravian songs and could join in the performances. In the end there were prepared some quizes on the knowledge of partner countries in the form of a pleasant competition. On the fourth day the program of the meeting was connected with the event of our school, which was the Open Day for parents and the public. Our partners could go through the whole school, pupils and teachers were involved in a wide range of activities that were prepared – Christmas decoration, shooting tournament, ceramics workshop… We also prepared a class for visitors where we presented the existing outputs of our project. It was possible to see videos about schools and countries. In the end of this special day all pupils together performed during a cultural performance for the public. In the afternoon a final meeting of pupils and teachers took place, where we consulted and planned further project activities. In the early evening they all came to the Christmas tree in our village – Dolany to have a chance to see the local Christmas customs and another performance. On the fifth day, a visit to the capital of the Czech Republic and an excursion to the most important historical and cultural monuments of Prague were prepared for foreign partners. The output of this day will then be used to create a tourist guide.